Hawkeye Computing Aktiebolag

IT-konsulter, datakonsulter, Mjukvara, programvara - Data, Software
556351-2424 2,274,000 SEK4

Hawkeye Computing Aktiebolag is a modern software solution provider for planning, designing, documenting, and managing fiber networks. Their software, iNSIDE, is a Microsoft .NET solution with a spatial database, application server, and integration API. It has clients for desktop, mobile, and web platforms. iNSIDE uses a sophisticated UML data model to store network information accurately. The software is easy to use, robust, and cost-efficient, with no need for third-party licenses. Hawkeye Computing offers Saas cloud hosting or the option to host on the customer's hardware. With iNSIDE, companies can automate various scenarios, such as generating splice plans and spreadsheets. Hawkeye Computing recently released iNSIDE 4.4, which allows users to access maps through web browsers as well as desktop and mobile applications.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Software solution for planning, designing, documenting, and managing fiber networks
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    Siktgatan 1, 16250 VÄLLINGBY
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