Recreatio AB

Organisationskonsult, Rekrytering, Personalutveckling, kompetensutveckling, Business consulting, Organizational development
559227-5100 2,746,000 SEK1

Recreatio AB is a company that focuses on organizational transformation and individual development. They have a down to earth mindset and a joyful spirit. The company aims to have a positive impact on individuals, teams, and organizations, and to contribute to future generations. Recreatio AB offers services in HR, leadership, agile, and organizational psychology, working with businesses ranging from small IT companies to global petrochem giants and NGOs. Their philosophy centers around freedom, trust, learning, and happiness. The company is committed to providing coaching, training, and development programs to help individuals and teams grow.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Leadership development
  • Team development
  • HR consulting
  • Extract from register:
    Lärkvägen 10, 44835 FLODA
    Ja, registrerad för F-skatt
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