
Software, Keyboard, Mobile

Adatype is a company that provides an ergonomic virtual keyboard for efficient, comfortable, and healthier typing on touchscreens. Their innovative keyboard design has won the national SKAPA prize, Sweden's largest innovation award. Adatype's AI-powered keyboard learns how users type and can autocorrect mistakes and typos, leading to a more efficient typing experience. The company's virtual keyboard can be integrated with various operating systems, including Android, Windows, Linux, and iOS. Adatype also offers customization options to fit individual business needs, such as changing its appearance, shape, size, position, and layout. Adatype's keyboard is not limited to typing only and can be used for operating solutions that combine buttons, sliders, and joystick controllers. The ergonomic design ensures fast and accurate interactions in any environment.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Adatype virtual keyboard
  • Ergonomic virtual keyboard integration
  • Customization options for individual business needs
  • AI-powered typing assistance
  • Integration with various operating systems
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