Aligned Bio

Nanotechnology, Biotechnology

Aligned Bio is a developer of nanowire-based sensor platforms. They provide next-generation nanotechnology solutions that can significantly enhance efficiency. Their technology, based on nanowire waveguides, can improve the sensitivity of various sensors, including optical, electrochemical, and electrical sensors. Aligned Bio offers a customizable platform with different nanowire sizes and materials, allowing companies to explore how nanowire technology can improve their products. They also provide a patented nanowire waveguide license. Aligned Bio is focused on applications such as DNA sequencing, biomarker detection, and in vitro diagnostics. They are headquartered in Lund, Sweden.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Nanowire-based sensor platforms
  • DNA sequencer with enhanced efficiency and sensitivity
  • Development of nanowire-based sensor platforms
  • Customized nanowire platform
  • Patented nanowire waveguide license
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