Alva Labs

Human Resources, Talent Acquisition

Alva Labs is a science-backed candidate assessment platform that enables global HR and talent acquisition teams to make faster and smarter hiring decisions. Their role-based assessments and resources are grounded in research and trusted by leading brands, allowing organizations to de-risk the hiring journey. Alva Labs' tools support every stage of the hiring process and easily integrate with major ATS providers, offering a user-friendly and fair candidate experience. They provide personality tests, logic tests, interview templates, coding tests, and a coding test library. Alva Labs aims to help companies hire people based on logic and data rather than gut feeling.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Alva's candidate assessment platform
  • Personality tests
  • Logic tests
  • Coding tests
  • Interview templates
  • Candidate assessment platform
  • Personality tests
  • Logic tests
  • Coding tests
  • Interview templates
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