Andra företag:
Söderåsens Mark & Trädgård AB
Trädgårdsanläggning Bjuv
Thuvessons Byggservice
Construction Älmhult
Husab AB
Fastighet Stockholm
Örebro Bygg och Renovering AB
Bygg- och renoveringsbranschen Örebro
Healthcare Technology
E-handel, Miljövård
Vårgårdahus Aktiebolag
Construction Nacka
Pgj Bygg AB
Construction Oskarshamn
Skattegårdens Handelshus
Detailhandel Ödeshög
Research Funding
Södra Åby Lokalförening Ek. För.
Agriculture, Farming Supplies Trelleborg
Fantasy esports, Gaming
Tm2 Bygg AB
Bygg- och fastighetsbranschen Göteborg
Manufacturing, Materials
Teknisk support och installation Oskarshamn
Rissne Mur och Puts AB
Bygg- och anläggningstjänster Sundbyberg
Rimbo Mark AB
Markentreprenad Norrtälje
Peter K Golv AB
Bygg Avesta
Atlantic Quantum
Quantum Computing
Atlantic Quantum is a company focused on solving the quantum hardware problem by building scalable quantum computers to tackle the world's hardest computational challenges. They reduce complexity and cost to reach error correction at scale. The company aims to eliminate barriers in quantum computing such as large error rates, restricted scalability, and industry hype. Atlantic Quantum is dedicated to excellent engineering and making advances in superconducting qubit technology. They deploy scalable hardware architecture and have a team of bright minds on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. The company has won contracts from the Air Force and the DOE and has joined the QED-C to adhere to industry standards in the emerging quantum field.

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