Andra företag:
20-30 coliving
Real estate, Hospitality
Tråva-Produkter Aktiebolag
Byggnads- och stålbranschen Vara
Gutamålet Bygg & Konsult AB
Building and construction industry Gotland
Alexander Bengtsson Bygg AB
Construction Tjörn
Nyköpings Bygg & Kakel AB
Byggbranschen Nyköping
Sportbyggarna Entreprenad Aktiebolag Spentab
Byggföretag Huddinge
Material Exchange
Fashion Industry
Andrés Måleri AB
Bygg- och fastighetsunderhåll Uppsala
Ergonomiprodukter Sverige AB
Kontorsmöbler och ergonomiprodukter
Knuts Snickeri AB
Snickeri Lysekil
Sustainability, Software
Xervon Sweden AB
Byggföretag Byggnadsställningar Upplands-Bro
Hälsovård och medicinsk bransch
Breaking Boundaries Consulting AB
Managementkonsult, Affärsutveckling Stockholm
Bs Agro Aktiebolag
Djurhållning Säffle
Vanadis Städ Service Handelsbolag
Städbranschen Stockholm
Hawkeye Computing Aktiebolag
Software Stockholm
Mbegu Solar
Renewable Energy
A-Dental Aktiebolag
Tandvård Stockholm
Financial technology
Finance, Real Estate
Batonics is an AI company specializing in investment analysis and research. Their AI platform, AILA, aims to replace junior analysts in various industries. They offer a range of services including Monte Carlo simulation, sensitivity analysis, credit underwriting, real estate accounting, correlation inversion for public equities, risk management, and document mass processing. Batonics is recognized for its expertise in using advanced techniques to design efficient solutions in the financial sector. The company has been nominated for the 'New Builder of the Year' award.
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