Birth Class

Healthcare, Education

Birth Class is a company that offers a world-class international birth doula experience through their audio class. They provide easy at-home exercises and 3 hours of classes to help expectant mothers prepare for labor. The classes are made by professionals and aim to teach women how to trust their bodies, instincts, and babies during childbirth. Birth Class believes that doulas are better equipped to prepare women mentally for labor, and they also provide knowledge to the women's partners or support person on how to take care of them during this time. The company aims to help women stay calm and confident during labor by providing them with a valuable toolbox of techniques. They combine visualization, positive thinking, and words to help relax the body and maintain a sense of coolness during labor. Birth Class believes in a prepared mind and body, empowering women to make informed choices and have a positive birth experience. They offer the classes in an easy and actionable format, and their goal is to make birth preparation accessible to everyone through conversational and easy listening audio.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Audio class available in the app store
  • World-class international birth doula experience
  • Easy at-home exercises
  • 3 hours of classes
  • Knowledge and support for partners or support person
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