Book My Ride


Book My Ride is a platform that allows users to find and book taxis in Sweden. With over 100+ clients and 95 taxi operators, Book My Ride offers a convenient way for customers to compare prices and choose the right taxi at an affordable price. The platform is available for download from the App Store and Google Play Store, and users can book rides based on their needs, whether it's for comfort, premium, eco-friendly, faster, or less expensive rides. Book My Ride also offers the option for taxi companies in Sweden to join their platform and connect with customers to generate more revenue. The platform covers 1500 locations in Sweden and provides multiple trips with a single invoice.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Book My Ride mobile app
  • Taxi booking services
  • Price comparison for taxi services
  • Find new clients with Kundy!
    AI-driven outbound lead generator. All you have to do is close the deal!
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