Brain Stimulation


Brain Stimulation is a company that specializes in precision diagnostics and enriched stroke rehabilitation using mixed reality technology. They offer individualized rehabilitation solutions for cognitive, visual, and motor impairments, specifically targeting stroke and acquired brain injuries. Their products include RehAtt® MR, a mixed reality platform for cognitive and motor rehabilitation, and RehAtt® DiSTRO, a digital diagnostics tool. Through their advanced technology and scientific research, Brain Stimulation aims to provide access to motivating and personalized rehabilitation for stroke survivors, regardless of their location. They also emphasize the importance of long-term support and follow-ups to maximize recovery and improve quality of life.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • RehAtt® MR (Mixed Reality)
  • RehAtt® DiSTRO (Digital diagnostics tool)
  • Precision diagnostics
  • Stroke rehabilitation in mixed reality
  • Spatial neglect rehabilitation
  • Cognitive rehabilitation
  • Visual rehabilitation
  • Motor rehabilitation
  • Tele-rehabilitation
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