
Technology, Smart city solutions

Citywise is a global company spun out of Sweden. Citywise combines proprietary IoT-sensors with state-of-the-art data visualization and analysis capabilities to provide actionable mobility and parking insights to cities. With a passion for data, machine learning, and smart city transformation, Citywise has helped the city of Stockholm reduce traffic congestion, CO2 emissions, and create a less stressful urban environment. Their connected sensors collect real-time parking and traffic data, which is analyzed and delivered through their software platform. Citywise manages clusters of IoT-sensors across Europe and offers support to cities in their transition to becoming smarter through proprietary sensors for mobility, citizen movement, and logistics.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Proprietary IoT-sensors
  • State-of-the-art software platform
  • Actionable mobility and parking insights
  • Data visualization and analysis capabilities
  • Supporting cities in becoming smarter
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