Andra företag:
AB Lindborg & Söner
Construction Enköping
Sohlbergs Stenhuggeri Aktiebolag
Bygg- och anläggningsindustrin Kristinehamn
Golf & Trädgårdsentreprenader i Löddeköpinge AB
Anläggningsbranschen Ekerö
Harvest Moon
Toilet manufacturing, Regenerative living, Sustainable living
Folkets Hus i Malmö Aktiebolag
Konferensanläggningar, Restaurang- och matindustri, Fastighetsförvaltning Malmö
Arctic Space Technologies
Space Technology
Team Torp AB
Byggbranschen Vetlanda
Af Öresund AB
Bygg- och fastighetsutveckling Malmö
Danielssons Maskin&Svets
Construction Motala
Tandvårdsteamet Haupt AB
Tandvård Huddinge
Rogers Plåtslageri AB
Bygg- och konstruktionsindustrin Östersund
Strängnäs Bilfix
Verkstad Strängnäs
Sustainable materials
Adolfsbergs Finsnickeri AB
Bygg- och renoveringsbranschen Örebro
Züblin Scandinavia AB
Infrastruktur, Byggsektorn Solna
Prefabsystem Entreprenad Syd AB
Bygg- och anläggningsbranschen Växjö
Mtms Construction AB
Construction Helsingborg
Edfeldts Verktyg AB
Maskiner, maskinverktyg Verktyg Jönköping
Creative Database
Creative Industry
Creative Database is a company that is building a unique Sweden-wide creative database. They aim to provide a more intelligent way to search for freelancers and project managers in the creative industry. Their ultimate tool for creative matchmaking and getting work offers talent recommendations, job posts and suggestions, team lists, synced calendar, and team builder services. They have over 20 years of experience in the creative industry, mainly in film production, visual content, and marketing campaigns. Creative Database believes that an open, searchable, and intelligent database is the solution to the challenges of finding new talent, extending networks as project managers, and finding suitable work opportunities as freelancers.
Produkter och tjänster:

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AI-driven outbound lead generator. All you have to do is close the deal!