
Software Development, Cloud Computing

Encore automates infrastructure for seamless development, from local to your cloud. The company provides an Open Source Infrastructure SDK that is cloud-agnostic and embedded directly in the code base. It automates the provisioning of infrastructure dependencies and ensures consistency across local, testing, and cloud environments. Encore also offers a seamless workflow with built-in CI/CD capabilities for application deployment. The company provides preview environments for each pull request, allowing for faster iteration and collaboration. Encore focuses on reducing complexity and improving observability through service catalogs, distributed tracing, metrics, and logging. Testimonials from CTOs of various companies highlight the benefits of using Encore, such as increased development speed, reduced DevOps workload, and improved focus on product development.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Open Source Infrastructure SDK
  • Infrastructure automation
  • Development workflow
  • Preview environments
  • CI/CD capabilities
  • Observability
  • Service catalog
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