
Digital document technology

Enigio is a Stockholm-based technology company that aims to become the global technology provider of a standardized solution for digitalized, authoritative original documents. Enigio's trace:original is a digital solution that has all the qualities of paper documents but is faster, safer, more sustainable, and cost-efficient. It can be implemented by anyone with a computer and internet connection. Enigio's trace:original is digitally interoperable and readable by both humans and machines. It satisfies the conditions of UNCITRAL's MLETR and the dDOC specifications from ITFA's DNI initiative. By digitizing original documents, Enigio helps reduce carbon emissions and increases access to finance for SMEs. Enigio's trace:original technology supports an 'Open Trade' environment and can be integrated with existing systems and processes without the need for changes to current laws and regulations.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • trace:original
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