Andra företag:
Bygrenbygg AB
Construction Vallentuna
NSS Water
Semiconductor Manufacturing
Automizer AB
Automation Trollhättan
Bohlins Bmm Aktiebolag
Byggindustrin Älvsbyn
Rebl Industries
Robotautomation, Industriell automatisering
Svetsservice i Växjö AB
Bygg- och anläggningsbranschen Växjö
Sandholms Färg & Golv AB
Byggvaruhus Högsby
Varuhuset Rönneshytta Aktiebolag
Detaljhandel Askersund
Södra Dalarnas Mark & Bygg AB
Bygg- och anläggningsbranschen Smedjebacken
Byggbolaget i Hallstavik AB
Byggbranschen Norrtälje
Sydbab Jonas Billgren AB
Byggbranschen Burlöv
Dieden-Ekodoor AB
Dörr- och garageportbranschen Östra Göinge
Food Tech
Hestasnickeri AB
Byggindustrin Enköping
Induktor Karlbergs El
El- och telekommunikation Stockholm
Byggfirma C Klerfors AB
Bygg- och entreprenadbranschen Borås
Building operations & maintenance, Construction technology
Sustainable transportation, Electric vehicle technology
Evias is a company that specializes in electrifying roads to supply power to vehicles on the move. Their Electric Road System (ERS) allows vehicles to be charged while driving, eliminating the need for large batteries and parking with charging stations. This system prepares for the future of shared and autonomous electric vehicles by eliminating stop-over time. Evias' conductive eRoads serve as the backbone of tomorrow's charging infrastructure, offering dynamic charging that is more efficient and cost-effective than inductive charging.

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