
e-commerce, marketing

Fibbl is a company that specializes in providing 3D models, augmented reality (AR), and virtual try-on solutions for e-commerce and marketing. Their technologies allow brands and online retailers to transform their 2D image catalogs into interactive 3D experiences, enabling customers to twist, turn, explore, and try products as if they were in real life. Fibbl also offers immersive advertising experiences and helps businesses integrate their technologies into various marketing channels. They have been praised by their clients for improving conversion rates, reducing bounce rates, and decreasing return rates. Fibbl is seen as an interesting solution that offers an easy setup and is known for being open-minded and creative.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • 3D models
  • Augmented reality (AR)
  • Virtual try-on
  • Immersive advertising experiences
  • Integration of technologies into marketing channels
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