
Jewelry industry, Gemstone industry

Gemometrics is a company that offers diamond verification instruments. They provide a powerful portable tool called GemPen® for jewellers and gemmologists to screen diamonds, rubies, and sapphires for synthetics and treatments. The company is based in Luleå, Sweden and aims to help individuals protect their businesses by ensuring the authenticity and quality of gemstones.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • GemPen® - Diamond verification instrument
  • Xenon UV screening tool with ultra spectrum optical filtering technology
  • Darkroom - Portable viewing environment for GemPen®
  • GemPen Academy - Knowledge resource hub for interpreting results
  • Tailored accessories - Interchangeable filters and travel case
  • Diamond verification instruments
  • Gemstone screening
  • Portable tools for jewellers and gemmologists
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