
GEYSER is a company that aims to revolutionize the pleural effusion drainage process and make it as efficient and smooth as possible. They focus on simplicity and convenience, allowing the drainage procedure to take place in homecare settings. This contributes to improved life quality for people in need of long-term regular drainage. GEYSER's strategy is to promote daily drainage, leading to improved physical activity and reduced hospitalization. Their drainage procedure is designed to be smooth, yet efficient, using slow and soft pulses that gradually increase in strength and frequency. They use a pre-programmed 4-minute cycle to drain fluid, with the ability to interrupt the cycle if no more fluid is draining. GEYSER's disposable unit can be used for different drainage procedures and can safely drain up to 750ml per procedure. Their compact design offers optimal logistic and storage capacity. The company aims to reduce the need for hospital visits and supervision from healthcare professionals through their smooth and easy setup process. They provide total suction control at a lower cost.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Geyser palliative strategy
  • Geyser drainage unit
  • Disposable unit
  • Pleural effusion drainage
  • Homecare drainage
  • Daily drainage promotion
  • Smooth drainage setup
  • Suction control
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