
Technology, Software Development, Cloud Services

Grafbase is a company that offers a low-latency API deployed to a global edge network, bringing data close to end users. They provide a unified data layer at the edge to improve conversions. With the Grafbase SDK, users can connect their data sources and deploy a unified data layer in minutes without the need for YAML files or clunky dashboards. By utilizing just a few lines of code, users can run business logic such as personalization, authentication, and localization close to their users. Grafbase also allows users to connect data sources to a single GraphQL endpoint at the edge, configure authentication with favorite identity providers, and cache any data source for global lightning-fast performance. They offer features like instant preview branches for collaboration, zero-configuration local development, real-time performance monitoring, and identification of bottlenecks. Grafbase is designed to be efficient and elegant for developers, providing a seamless integration into existing tech stacks. They are actively used and praised by the developer community.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • SDK for deploying a low-latency data layer at the edge
  • GraphQL API for MongoDB with Edge Resolvers
  • Real-time chat using GraphQL Live Queries
  • Dribbble clone using Next.js and Cloudinary
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