Andra företag:
Murare Robert Andersson
Byggindustri Nyköping
Meva Energy
Farbkoncept AB
Bygg och renovering Landskrona
Aktiebolaget Synops
Sanering Östersund
Fremic Byggdesign AB
Byggbranschen Gislaved
Finansiella tjänster
Magnussons och Petterssons Brunnsborrningsfirma Aktiebolag
Brunnsborrning Lindesberg
Rivus Batteries
Energy Storage
Drone technology
Vanadis Städ Service Handelsbolag
Städbranschen Stockholm
Pizzeria La Casagialo
Restaurangbranschen Ekerö
Aktiebolaget Byggcentralen i Helsingborg
Bygg- och renoveringsbranschen Höganäs
Bänareds Byggservice AB
Bygg- och snickeribranschen Falkenberg
Rijo Håltagning AB
Bygg och Anläggning Trelleborg
Pth Bygg Aktiebolag
Construction Piteå
Sandbergs Data i Luleå AB
IT-tjänster Luleå
Johansson & Delin Bygg AB
Bygg- och fastighetsbranschen Munkedal
Murex Bygg & Fasad Aktiebolag
Byggbranschen Vellinge
Ahldente AB
Tandvård Västervik
Healthcare, Wellness, Technology
Holistal is a corporate wellness platform that empowers employees to take control of their health. Their digital platform supports long term wellness strategies for organizations, allowing them to allocate resources effectively. Holistal helps create healthier work communities where people thrive by promoting healthier behaviors such as eating well, being active, getting enough sleep, and managing stress. They work with strategy, technology, and coaching sessions to achieve the best outcomes, resulting in increased productivity and sales. Happy and healthy employees are more engaged, creative, and resilient, and are more likely to stay with their employers for the long term.
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