
Life Sciences

Hoodin is a company that offers content monitoring solutions for selected industries such as Medtech, Pharma, Public Sector, Finance, and Tourism. Their platform allows users to save time by monitoring sources of their choice directly on the Hoodin platform. Hoodin specializes in monitoring life science products throughout their entire life cycle, offering flexibility to monitor specific products or product types. The platform utilizes AI to discover relevant content for compliance and provides features for filtering, bookmarking, and validating information. Hoodin targets professionals in the regulatory affairs, quality assurance, and research fields, catering to the needs of Medical Devices, IVD, Pharmaceuticals, Biotech, and Combination products.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Hoodin platform
  • AI-driven monitoring software
  • Content monitoring
  • Information gathering
  • Monitoring and reporting
  • Post-market surveillance
  • Regulatory intelligence
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