
IMHERE is a Swedish company that aims to connect guests at bars, clubs, and events worldwide and enhance their enjoyment. They aspire to be the preferred partner for on-trade marketing for global beverage brands. IMHERE was created by CapLab AB, a Swedish company known for their attentive and open-minded culture. The idea for IMHERE came about when two friends, Björn and Jens, observed that people at a bar in Stockholm were too focused on their phones and felt disconnected from each other. This led them to develop an app called IMHERE, which aims to bring people back to the present moment and facilitate real-life interactions. With years of collective experience in branding, digital marketing, and beverage brand activation, Björn and Jens founded CapLab AB and assembled a team to develop IMHERE. IMHERE helps users mingle and capture moments at bars, clubs, and events. It provides an opportunity for both global and local brands to be visually present on-trade and engage with consumers in a new and secure way. IMHERE offers a digital complement to traditional on-trade promotional sales material. They also offer the option for brand owners to host chat zones at their chosen locations. IMHERE's contact information includes their email and invoice and delivery addresses in Stockholm, Sweden.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • IMHERE app
  • On-trade marketing
  • Digital complement to traditional on-trade promotional sales material
  • Chat zone hosting
  • Find new clients with Kundy!
    AI-driven outbound lead generator. All you have to do is close the deal!
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