
E-commerce, Supply Chain, Logistics

Ingrid is a delivery platform that connects merchants, carriers, and consumers to create a better shopping experience for everyone. They offer products and solutions that improve all stages of the customer journey, including delivery checkout optimization, transparent order tracking, and transport management. Ingrid's solutions are compatible with global platforms and can integrate with various business systems. They provide services such as adding any carrier, global or local, and offer an API documentation. Ingrid was founded with the aim of recognizing the importance of the delivery experience for merchants. They have been trusted by over 150 merchants and have achieved impressive results, including 82% shipping revenue and a 10% reduction in net delivery cost.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Ingrid Checkout
  • Ingrid Tracking
  • Ingrid Transport
  • Ingrid In-store
  • Delivery platform
  • Delivery checkout optimization
  • Transport management
  • Transparent order tracking
  • In-store order fulfillment
  • Find new clients with Kundy!
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