
masspredict is a company that transforms the voice of the crowd into accurate quantitative judgments using a conversational interface, natural language processing, and a prediction market engine. They help teams make better decisions by providing the world's fastest tool for collective intelligence. With one-click access to any audience, multi-lingual support, and seamless sharing, they deliver results in a matter of hours. Their deep, conversational data combines qualitative and quantitative data by soliciting reasons, up-voting good responses, and posing automatic follow-ups for each participant. They achieve high accuracy even in small samples through their proprietary prediction markets. They track trends in responses over time and offer real-time analysis to understand how conversations develop and why. They also provide message testing by tracking conversations across different audiences for detailed A/B tests of different messages. masspredict allows users to ask a variety of questions and offers flexible formats such as binary questions, questions about multiple scenarios, or questions about specific numbers. They also offer real-time analysis to track trends in responses over time.

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