
Data analytics, Smart cities

Meltspot is a cutting-edge measurement tool for high-precision data analytics based on people's movement and behavior. It offers game-changing technology to businesses and smart cities for well-founded decision-making. Meltspot continuously captures and analyzes the presence of visitors, providing in-depth data on visitor behavior and flow. This data can be used to improve business processes and structures, optimize branch performance, and make fact-driven decisions. Meltspot aims to generate value for customers by using sophisticated technology to understand human behavior and create better services and experiences.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Measurement tool for high-precision data analytics
  • Tracking and analyzing visitor behavior
  • Providing in-depth data on visitor flow and behavior
  • Support for informed decision-making
  • Visualization of data
  • Find new clients with Kundy!
    AI-driven outbound lead generator. All you have to do is close the deal!
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