
Food industry

Melt&Marble is a company that specializes in precision fermentation for designer fats. They aim to create fats that close the taste gap between animal and plant-based meats, making plant-based foods as juicy and delicious as animal dishes. Melt&Marble uses safe technologies to rewirw microbial metabolism and alter the structure and properties of fats produced by microbes. Their mission is to make sustainable animal-free foods just as tasty as beef or cheese, while being better for the planet and guilt-free for people. Melt&Marble produces all their fats from sustainable feedstocks with minimal land use, and their fats have lower saturation, incorporate healthy fatty acids, and are free from trans fats, antibiotics, or contaminants. They offer customizable fats for any application and protein source, and their production is easy to scale using existing infrastructure. Compared to other technologies, Melt&Marble's production costs are lower.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Designer fats
  • Precision fermentation for designer fats
  • Fat customization for any application and protein source
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