
Food industry

Musselfeed is a food-tech company operating in the food industry. They focus on reducing the climate footprint through the use of blue mussels. Their unique process involves creating a powder and flour from the mussels, which can be used in various food and feed products. Mussels are known for their sustainability and ability to clean the oceans. Musselfeed carefully separates the mussel shells from the meat, maintaining the proteins and nutritional benefits. The resulting mussel powder and flour are then sold to producers of sustainable and eco-friendly products. Musselfeed was founded in 2013 and is now ready to scale up and go to market, thanks to their EU-patented process. The company's innovator, Dr. Odd Lindahl, is a renowned expert in large-scale marine farming of mussels for environmental purposes.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Mussel powder
  • Mussel flour
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