

Nhost is an open-source backend and development platform that enables developers to build and scale their web and mobile apps. They provide a database, backend configuration, and ready-to-use tools in minutes, allowing developers to focus on app development. Nhost offers features like a Postgres database, GraphQL API, Hasura role-based permissions, authentication options, storage, custom code and services, and global deployment infrastructure. They have been trusted by developers and have helped companies like Midnight Society, React Flow, and Revtron achieve successful app launches and revenue growth. Nhost operates in the technology industry.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Nhost SDKs
  • Nhost CLI
  • Nhost Git integration
  • Nhost Cloud infrastructure
  • Backend and development platform
  • Database configuration and management
  • GraphQL API
  • Role-based permissions
  • Authentication options
  • Storage management
  • Custom code and services
  • Global deployment infrastructure
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