Nordic Angels

Startup ecosystem

Nordic Angels is an initiative that aims to unite business angels in the Nordic startup ecosystem to increase collaboration and leverage. The company provides a platform for angels to connect, share data, and participate in events and networking activities. They focus on generating powerful connections and insights within the community to strengthen the region's position in the global startup scene. Nordic Angels also facilitates syndicates and allows members to set up and manage their own Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) for investment purposes. They organize premium events, such as Luncheons and Angel Prize, to bring together influential investors, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders. Nordic Angels was founded in August 2020 by Ash Pournouri and Andreas Grape to address the need for community and collaboration in the digitalized startup ecosystem.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Events
  • Data collection and sharing
  • Networking tools
  • Digital products
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