
Printed Electronics, Internet of Things, Bioelectronics

n-Ink is a company that specializes in the development and supply of n-type ink formulations for printed electronics, internet of things, and bioelectronics. Their inks are highly conductive, easy to handle, stable, and printable. They offer materials with unique electrical properties and easy-to-handle ink formulations that are tailored to the needs of the customer. n-Ink enables the development of highly performing printed electronic devices where efficient p-type and n-type materials are required. They address the challenge of the missing n-type polymer conductors in IoT applications, allowing for optimal performances and easy integration with various carriers. Their solutions find applications in industries such as printed electronics, internet of things, and bioelectronics.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Polymer inks
  • n-Type ink formulations
  • Supply of n-type ink formulations
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