Odla Mer

Technology, Horticulture

Odla Mer is a gardening and plant care app that provides users with plant recommendations, expert care advice, smart plant care reminders, gardening checklists, and a community of plant lovers. The app allows users to easily manage their plant collection, identify plants using advanced scanning technology, receive personalized care schedules based on location and weather conditions, and connect with a vibrant community of gardeners and plant enthusiasts around the world. Odla Mer aims to simplify and enhance the gardening experience for users of all levels, from beginners to seasoned gardeners.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Gardening app
  • Plant recommendations
  • Expert care advice
  • Smart plant care reminders
  • Gardening checklists
  • Community of plant lovers
  • Find new clients with Kundy!
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