

Powrs is a Swedish company that offers services to protect online deals. Their main service, Vaulter, provides mobile escrowing to protect both buyers and sellers from fraud. Powrs solves the buy-sell dilemma by allowing buyers to pay in advance and sellers to ship their products with the confidence of receiving payment. In addition, Powrs provides solutions for making secure transactions with unknown individuals on the internet and paying in advance for future trips or vacations. They have developed an app called Vaulter, available on Android and iOS, which holds the funds of a deal in a neutral space called the Vault until the deal's conditions are met. Powrs also offers Vaulter Checkout, a secure checkout solution for e-commerce platforms, and Vaulter Travel, a smart payment service for the travel industry.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Vaulter app
  • Vaulter Checkout
  • Vaulter Travel
  • Mobile escrowing
  • Secure transactions
  • Checkout solutions
  • Smart payment service
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