Andra företag:
Angry Camel
Food and Beverage
Mittport AB
Portinstallation och service Sundsvall
Ahldente AB
Tandvård Västervik
Haninge Brunnsborrning AB
Borrning, brunnsborrning Byggföretag Haninge
Sbg Byggen Aktiebolag
Bygg- och fastighetsbranschen Stockholm
Legal, Technology, Finance, Investment
C G Åhman Bygg i Köping AB
Bygg- och anläggningsbranschen Köping
Hantverkshuset Östermalm Aktiebolag
Renovering, Bygg Upplands-Väsby
Embedded systems, IoT
Algra Insulation
Construction, Energy, Sustainability
Finansiella tjänster
Partner Bygg Hbg AB
Byggbranschen Klippan
Software as a Service (SaaS)
Marbogårdens Snickeri
Hantverk, Snickeri Varberg
K A Project AB
Construction Norrköping
Tm2 Bygg AB
Bygg- och fastighetsbranschen Göteborg
Wood Drying
Pm Eltjänst AB
Elektrisk installation och automation Kristianstad
Byggindustrin Uddevalla
Research, Technology
QualNotes is a research methods tool for qualitative data collection. The company offers an App that allows researchers and teachers to create projects, upload and sign ethics forms and project documents, and collect qualitative research data. The App includes three key research portals: mobile mapping, interviews with schedule creation, and participant observation. It provides functionality such as image capture, video and audio recording, file repositories for research documentation, collaboration and sharing capabilities, and GPS-based mobile mapping. QualNotes AB is registered in Sweden and its development has been funded by SU Holding, Stockholm University.
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