
Human Resources, Leadership Development, Consulting

RealityCheck is a company that offers a new 360-tool designed to help identify the behaviors of leaders in the workplace. They provide tailor-made templates for asking specific questions about leadership, and ensure that leaders understand the results through an intuitive overview with guidance. By making all relevant people visible, RealityCheck enables organizations to have informed conversations with stakeholders. Their web-based platform generates interactive and insightful data for Learning & Development. They go beyond simply generating a report and provide an intuitive interface to support leaders in taking immediate action for their development. RealityCheck integrates cognitive scientific analysis into their platform to guide leaders towards the foundation of behavior. They believe in the importance of empathetic follow-up to make informed decisions. They offer templates and tailor-made solutions based on the latest research in leadership and cognitive science.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • 360-tool assessment
  • Tailor-made templates
  • Leadership development support
  • Interactive and insightful data generation
  • Empathetic follow-up
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