

Revive is a startup company founded in March 2023 within the Antler startup incubator. They are currently in the pre-seed phase and offer a plugin B2B solution that helps retailers integrate secondhand selling into their existing online marketplace. The solution provided by Revive is fully integrated into the retailer's e-commerce experience, making it effortless and low maintenance. Revive also handles all the logistics related to shipping and claims. They aim to help retailers reach new customers such as the younger generation, sustainability oriented customers, and price sensitive customers. By entering the second-hand market, retailers can generate additional circular revenue and increase their market share. Revive is focused on promoting sustainability and circularity, abiding by EU directives in these areas. They have received positive feedback and interest from domain experts and e-commerce companies.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Plugin B2B solution for integrating secondhand selling
  • Effortless and low maintenance integration
  • Logistics handling for shipping and claims
  • Insight reports for product development
  • Find new clients with Kundy!
    AI-driven outbound lead generator. All you have to do is close the deal!
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