Robot Minds

Retail, Healthcare, Logistics, Smart Cities

Robot Minds is a company that believes in the power of AI to enrich lives. They offer Robot-as-a-Service (RaaS) solutions to help businesses optimize operations. Their experts provide education on the latest trends in the robotic era and assist businesses in configuring the right technology. Robot Minds also offers pilot projects for businesses to test process improvement without committing to full deployment. They provide valuable robotics courses and tailored solutions to suit individual business needs. Their innovative robotics technology streamlines operations, boosts productivity, and enhances the overall customer experience. Robot Minds operates in industries such as retail, healthcare, logistics, and smart cities.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Service and social robots for integration
  • Robotic solutions for smart cities
  • Retail robots for optimizing shopping experience
  • Healthcare solutions for patient outcomes improvement
  • Logistics robotics technology for enhanced workflow
  • Robot-as-a-Service (RaaS) solutions
  • Education and training on robotics
  • Pilot projects for process improvement
  • Tailored solutions for individual business needs
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