Selma AI


Selma AI is an AI-driven sales assistant that specializes in engaging and building relationships with prospects. It uses conversational AI to communicate with prospects via email, allowing sales reps to focus on closing deals. Selma AI automates outbound sales activities and can handle interactions with multiple prospects simultaneously. It collects valuable data on prospects and makes intelligent decisions based on their responses. Selma AI can schedule meetings with prospects and keeps track of previous conversations and follow-ups. It is designed to be efficient, polite, and precise in its communication. Selma AI currently supports English, with plans to expand to other languages. There is no limit to the number of prospects it can handle, and customization options are available. Selma AI operates in the sales industry.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Selma AI
  • Conversational AI
  • Automated outbound sales activities
  • Prospect engagement and relationship building
  • Meeting scheduling
  • Find new clients with Kundy!
    AI-driven outbound lead generator. All you have to do is close the deal!
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