
Medical Devices

Spermosen is a leading developer of Male-Factor Infertility Diagnostics. They are focused on developing a revolutionary platform technology for diagnosing male-factor infertility and directing patients to the right infertility treatment. Spermosen is a world-leading developer of Male Fertility Medical Devices and aims to diagnose male-factor infertility to assist clinicians in directing patients to the suitable IVF treatment. Their innovative approach, through their automated sperm diagnostic device JUNO-Checked, enables the detection of the fertilization capacity of sperms, allowing for the choice of the appropriate IVF treatment method. Spermosen aims to reduce the conventional iterations in IVF treatments to achieve pregnancy with their patented diagnostic system. They aim to empower caregivers and patients by helping understand the cause of male-factor infertility despite seemingly normal sperms.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • JUNO-Checked (automated sperm diagnostic device)
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