
Building inspection, Construction, Maintenance, Software, Technology

Spotscale is a company that specializes in providing advanced image analysis and machine learning solutions for building inspections and maintenance. Their software in the cloud analyzes high-resolution images of roofs and facades to detect energy leaks, damage, and deficiencies. By using their platform, customers can inspect the results of the analysis, draw conclusions about the condition of the buildings, and make informed decisions about renovations and maintenance. Spotscale also collaborates with experts in technical analysis and machine learning to create unique analyses and insights. They work with various industries, including the inspection, construction, and maintenance sectors.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Spotscale's software in the cloud
  • Advanced image analysis and machine learning solutions
  • Energy leak detection
  • Roof and facade inspection
  • Damage analysis
  • Renovation decision support
  • Maintenance planning
  • Image analysis
  • Machine learning
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