
Software as a Service (SaaS)

Startdeliver is a company that provides a purpose-built platform for lower churn, more satisfied customers, and faster growth. Their platform helps customer success managers to focus on the right tasks that have a real impact on their customers. By using automation, Startdeliver aims to make work smarter and not harder. The platform allows users to connect all their apps and gain a full view of the customer. It also helps in noticing potential churn and opportunities instantly. Startdeliver offers tools to manage and drive proactive retention processes, measure actionable insights from data, and deliver desired outcomes to customers. With Startdeliver, companies can take charge of the customer journey and scale customer interactions with automation IQ. They provide documentation, tutorials, and a free sandbox workspace to help users get started quickly. Startdeliver is suitable for SaaS and customer success professionals.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Automation platform
  • Customer success management
  • Proactive retention management
  • Actionable insights measurement
  • Customer journey tracking
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