Andra företag:
IT-tjänster, Företagsstyrning
Four Potentials AB
Rekrytering, Managementkonsulttjänster Stockholm
Dans & Nöje i Malmö AB
Catering, Mat och dryck Malmö
Aktiebolaget Juhojunttis Snickerifabrik
Byggnads- och heminredningsbranschen Luleå
Energy, Software, Technology
Externa Competence AB
Industri, Bygg, Transport Luleå
Nåiden Bygg Aktiebolag
Bygg- och anläggningssektorn Luleå
Twt Kran AB
Bygg- och anläggningsbranschen Norsjö
Automotive services
Ht Englund Fastigheter AB
Real Estate Vansbro
Xl-Bygg Björka AB
Byggvaruhandel Kumla
A-Trä Försäljnings AB
Byggindustri Arjeplog
Gomér Snickeri AB
Byggbranschen Gotland
K A Project AB
Construction Norrköping
Rapid Hyrställningar AB
Construction Eskilstuna
Advanced Materials Technology
Arcona Aktiebolag
Construction and Real Estate Stockholm
I Pair U
Human Resources, Tech/Software
Sports, Team management
Finance, Technology
StockRepublic is a social trading and community platform that offers investors unique portfolio insights, benchmarking, and social collaboration. They provide a fully customizable white label social trading app for brokerages, with compliance in mind. Their services include investor benchmarking, portfolio analysis, social networking, climate impact rating, and more. StockRepublic aims to increase revenue per customer, organic growth in new customers, improvement in NPS score, and greater returns for investors. They have developed hi!stocks, a social trading app with comdirect that has been recognized as a Financial Product of the Year by the German Institute for Service Quality (DISQ).
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