Sum Health

Healthcare, Technology

Sum Health is an AI-driven healthtech startup based in Sweden. Their mission is to improve the understanding of patients' health journeys and make healthcare more patient-centric. They aim to connect individuals with undiagnosed conditions to others who have similar experiences and provide personalized insights to help them reach a diagnosis faster. Sum Health organizes women's health data, making it universally accessible and useful. They use natural language processing and AI to analyze patient narratives and turn them into insights that can be used to improve healthcare. Sum Health is launching in 2023 and plans to be a leading source of insights about diseases derived from patient-generated narratives. They provide digital tools and services to make healthcare more efficient and accessible. Additionally, they are interested in partnering with organizations that want to better understand specific diseases, improve marketing processes, or analyze patient-centric narrative data.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Connecting individuals with undiagnosed conditions to others with similar experiences
  • Providing personalized insights to help individuals reach a diagnosis faster
  • Organizing women's health data
  • Analyzing patient narratives using natural language processing and AI
  • Turning patient narratives into useful insights for healthcare improvement
  • Providing digital tools and services to make healthcare more efficient and accessible
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