
Artificial Intelligence

Supernormal is an AI-powered company that provides automated note-taking services for meetings held on Google Meet. With its secure AI technology, Supernormal transcribes and writes meeting notes in real-time, saving users valuable time. The notes are instantly shareable to various platforms such as Google Drive, Notion, Quip, Slack, Hubspot, and Salesforce. Supernormal also allows users to customize note templates, access and search all meeting notes in one place, and keep track of action items. The company aims to improve team meetings and increase productivity by reducing time spent on note-taking and ensuring everyone stays aligned.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Supernormal Notetaker Chrome Extension
  • Automated note-taking for Google Meet, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams
  • Integration with existing tools and workflows
  • Centralized storage and easy access to meeting notes
  • Action item tracking and follow-up
  • Customizable note templates
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