
B2B Marketplace, Fruit Trading

TradeBay is a B2B marketplace that connects verified buyers and sellers of fruit. It provides a safe and transparent platform for users to discover new market opportunities, trade with trust, negotiate deals, and store all documentation in one place. TradeBay also offers services such as bridging insecurities, mediating payment terms, and providing financing and insurance options. By using TradeBay, users can spend less time sourcing goods and connecting with producers and buyers. The platform is tailored for spot trading and can assist with cash flow solutions, factoring, credit insurance, and loans.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Connecting verified buyers and sellers of fruit
  • Discovering new market opportunities
  • Negotiating deals and writing agreements online
  • Bridging insecurities and mediating payment terms
  • Providing financing and insurance options
  • Reducing transaction costs and high fees
  • Find new clients with Kundy!
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