
Data engineering and analytics

Twirl is a platform for data teams looking to ship value, not tooling. It allows data teams to deploy data pipelines from day one and handles all infrastructure and scaling. Twirl unifies analytics and machine learning, making it a code-first solution. With built-in best practices, Twirl provides abstractions like tables, streams, jobs, and schemas for easy incremental updates and schema evolution. It supports processing data using any language, syncing data between data stores, and mixing batch and streaming. Twirl ensures reliable production with the capability to run and test dependent jobs together, conduct unit tests, and continuously monitor assumptions about data. It operates on a fully serverless infrastructure, eliminating worries about scaling, containers, or CI/CD. The Twirl web app allows users to keep track of running jobs. Testimonials from clients highlight Twirl's seamless onboarding process, ease of use, and effectiveness in streamlining data infrastructure.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Twirl platform
  • Data pipeline deployment
  • Infrastructure and scaling management
  • Code-first analytics and machine learning
  • Schema evolution and incremental updates
  • Data processing in various languages
  • Data syncing between data stores
  • Batch and streaming integration
  • Job testing and monitoring
  • Serverless infrastructure management
  • Continuous job execution and tracking
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