
Textile industry, Sustainable fashion

Vividye is a company that introduces a new textile print technology, which allows for the print to be removable without damaging the textile fiber. This innovation enables the reusability and extension of the garment's lifespan. By offering a sustainable alternative to fast fashion, Vividye aims to reduce the demand for new raw materials in the textile industry. Their printing and print removal processes are also resource-efficient, minimizing water expenditure and promoting environmental and human safety. With Vividye's concept, garments become a blank canvas for endless creative expressions in a circular manner. Their approach aligns with the goal of reducing the industry's carbon footprint, as research suggests that doubling the lifetime of a garment can significantly decrease its negative environmental impact.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Printable textiles
  • Capsule collections
  • Textile printing
  • Print removal
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