Andra företag:
Gunnar Karlsen Sverige AB
Tekniska installationer Solna
Sustainable Packaging
Linxon Sweden AB
Energy, Engineering Västerås
Stinsenman Sverige AB
Värmeproduktion och transport Stockholm
Poolia Jönköping AB
Bemanningsföretag Jönköping
Fhr Invest AB
Fastighetsförvaltning Linköping
Mosslunda Snickeri AB
Snickerverkstad Kristianstad
Wennman Concept AB
Bygg- och arkitekturbranschen Uppsala
Stiliom AB
Utrustning för offentliga platser Karlstad
Healthcare Technology
IoT Infrastructure
Aquabygg AB
Construction Täby
Domanski Service AB
Bygg- och anläggningsbranschen Haninge
L.M.R Byggnads Aktiebolag
Construction Stockholm
Tandea Skogås AB
Tandvård Huddinge
Inomec AB
Uthyrning av industriutrustning Stockholm
Financial technology (Fintech)
Food industry
Provinshus AB
Construction industry Svedala
Online singing training, Health and wellness for singers
Vocalise is a full-body training program designed to make singing practice at home more effective, safe, and enjoyable. It is a progressive web app that provides guided audio and video instruction to strengthen the connection between the vocal instrument and the physical aspects of singing. With a focus on classical singing technique and the latest research in sports science, Vocalise offers structured routines, detailed exercises, and accompanied lessons to improve vocal technique. The program is developed by classical singing teachers and physiotherapists specializing in vocal health and supported singing.
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