Walking Talking

Technology, Wellness

Walking Talking is a platform that connects people for walk and talk meetings, promoting conversation, collaboration, and well-being. They aim to reduce stress, loneliness, and sedentary lifestyles while increasing creativity, community, and productivity at work. With their app, users can schedule walks, find interesting people to talk with, and professionalize their walking meetings with access to all app features. Walking Talking also offers leadership and team development programs designed to enhance empathy, collaboration, and productivity. They believe in fighting loneliness together and making movement and conversation daily habits. The app provides features like step counting, agenda setting, note-taking, and calendar integration to facilitate effective walk and talk meetings.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Walking Talking app
  • Walking Talking Pro subscription
  • Audio-walk feature
  • Walk and talk meetings
  • Leadership and team development programs
  • Connection and community support
  • Empathic communication training
  • Find new clients with Kundy!
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