Wrlds Technologies

Healthcare, Logistics, Manufacturing, Sports

Wrlds Technologies is a company that provides insights with AI-powered Sensor Technology. They enable global brands to create smart products for gamification or productivity, without the risk, cost, and time of in-house R&D. Wrlds Technologies offers hardware and software for various industries including healthcare, logistics, manufacturing, and sports. Their platform is built to help businesses join the revolution of connected products and leverage the power of smart sensor data with embedded AI. Their algorithms detect key events and anomalies in real-time, helping businesses optimize operations and reduce costs. Wrlds Technologies also offers additional services through their network of experts, including product design, user experience, and software development. Their mission is to remove the complexity of bringing smart sensor devices to market and provide innovative solutions that help businesses optimize their operations.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Smart sensor devices
  • AI algorithms
  • Real-time dashboard
  • Chatbot for product idea assessment
  • AI-powered Sensor Technology
  • Hardware and software solutions
  • Real-time optimization
  • Product design
  • User experience
  • Software development
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