
Trucking industry

YouCruit is a company that offers a recruitment software solution for the trucking industry. They aim to simplify the process of hiring drivers for trucking companies by eliminating the need for paper applications and email attachments. With over 5,000 trucking companies, 12,000 managed job postings, and 500,000 processed applications, YouCruit takes care of the hardest parts of the recruitment process so that companies can focus on growing their business. Their software helps recruiters reach drivers quickly and spend less time keeping track of emails. YouCruit also offers Lanefinder, a platform that helps companies connect with available drivers in their hiring area. By automatically sharing job ads on major job boards and social media, YouCruit amplifies the reach of job postings. The company provides tools for creating readable job ads that can be shared on any platform, as well as features for pre-qualifying drivers and managing the hiring process.

Produkter och tjänster:
  • Recruitment software solution for the trucking industry
  • Find new clients with Kundy!
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